Wednesday 23 May 2012

Happy birthday to my decision "to finally reach out" :)

I felt a bit of Buddha in me, today! I am moved by the suffering of so many of my friends and juniors (and some older than me in terms of age) so confused about "WHAT NEXT?" and "WHAT NOW?"
I may not have the answer to their questions (and nor do I claim to have all the answers to the million unanswered questions that I have for my ownself and that's why "a bit of Buddha in me" and not "THE Buddha in me"), but I am certainly not as hassled as they are (or atleast appear to be) for I have what I called the Vitamin C (the most VITAL CONFIDENCE) in me that I have the "ABILITY" and the "WILLINGNESS" to "THINK IT THROUGH", no matter what!

My dear planet mates, just by way of a brief introduction: I am Trupti Agrawal (erstwhile known as Trupti Gupta or simply TG, till I met one of the most amazing human beings, Mr. Milind Agrawal, (who is my proud husband for over a year now). I am 27 year young and very happy to be alive (though I do go off my balance several times, only to come back to it). I was born and brought up in a huge family of 100s of (all kinds of people) in Hyderabad and now live a life I always wished for, with my husband in Mumbai.

I am a CA by qualification and presently working in the industry as glamourous as the other industry (for it's own reasons), Mumbai  is popular for among the non-financial-background folks. I have had an illustrious academic background and a great working life so far (I am forced to mention these details for the limited purpose of getting some credibility and attention to what would otherwise appear as just another piece of advice from another person, so easy to give and so unsolicited).

I have initiated this blog as I wish to reach out to all the people who have stopped THINKING or are scared to ASK/CONSULT when in doubt or both. I wish to stimulate/rekindle what we as humans were the only ones to be bestowed with,  "the ability to think", through this blog. I wish to be available to all those who have questions and do not know who to ask them (for various reasons).  I am no way suggesting that I am a "Ms. Know-all" but off-late I have had a strong realisation about "the joy of giving" and have this strong urge to give back all that I have taken from this world, the people and my own life experiences so far in a manner and through a mode which can reach out to all who do not know/know of me but wished to have had as a friend, philosopher and guide in their life atleast at some point in time in life :)

As I mentioned to you that I am a Chartered Accountant, I would want to start-out writing to for all the people who are aspiring CAs and also who are freshers out of the Institute to mark my first and most humble respects to a course which seeded in me the desire to "be different and make a difference".

Until then, keep taking good care of yourself! :)